Services Offered
Experts You Can Rely On

Medical Equipment Service
Service You Can Rely On
We service the equipment brands we sell as well as many other reputable manufacturers. Scooters, beds, walkers and everything in between.
Covered Services
Professional. Reliable. Qualified
At Piner's Medical Supply we are experts in billing and insurance. One of the major hurdles today is Insurance and it can be confusing and frustrating. We are here for you to help guide you through getting the equipment you need and work with your physician to get the documentation that is required.  Call us today and see how you can maximize your benefits.
Equipment Rentals
Beds, Scooters, CPAP machines, Concentrators
At Piner's Medical Supply, we supply both the materials and labor for all of our medical equipment. Our Rental services can help you get through a short term injury or recovery or even a vacation. Contact us today get the rental equipment you need.